Sunday, September 02, 2007

Stop Putting the Man on TV!

My 96 year-old Grandpa was on television again Friday. They were doing another story on older drivers. Granted, it was on Channel 8, the local 24-hour news network (a channel that would send a camera if you told them you were going out to lunch). But it was on four times an hour for twelve hours. Just after "Weather on the Eights." "Old Guy on the Road on the Nines."

Grandpa really doesn't do much driving these days. Most of the driving he does is WHEN THE NEWS SENDS OUT CAMERA CREWS AND FILMS HIM DRIVING!!!!! Stop riding with him (we all did in 1992), and he will stop driving. And for God's sake, if you must film him driving, DON"T INTERVIEW HIM WHILE HE IS DRIVING!!!! It's like the news people want to show how dangerous older drivers can be by forcing them into cars and then distracting them. Why don't you give him a freaking cheeseburger and call him on his cell phone while you're at it?

And he seems to be the only one they can find to film, so the problem of bad older drivers may be confined to Sid Smith. Stop filiming him.

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