Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fish on Pergo

Stacy came in town this weekend. In addition to the whole CFO thing, he's also now on the Dean's Advisory Council at the business school. I think he's now also an honorary Freemason and one step from Skull & Bones. We had a lovely time and ate a tremendous amount of meat. Hofbrau steaks, smoked ribs, BBQ chicken, and salmon on a plank. Titans of industry prepare and devour a significant amount of fine meats.

Stacy is a master griller (no second meaning - shame on you), and I recently acquired and prepared his recipe for salmon on a plank. I did not have access to rare, expensive endangered redwood that he uses, so I settled for IKEA particle board (I had a surprisingly large number of pieces left over from the Skōr modular minivan I assembled). The fish ended up with a pervasive Swedish, petroleum flavor.

It was great to see Stacy this weekend and we are very proud of his accomplishments. I was also very proud of Jill when she told him "You know, your brother runs the place where he works."

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