Sunday, December 02, 2007

H is for Heretic

Each year at this time, I get mildly amused and then annoyed at the media frenzy surrounding the few ridiculous people who do dumb things that are labeled a "war on Christmas." This year, the first I've seen was a story about a Santa-rental agency telling its Santas to say "he-he-he" or "ha-ha-ha" instead of "ho-ho-ho" because, well, people may be so incredibly stupid as to think Santa's calling for some prostitutes.

I think this is all projection, or at least sound and fury to cover up what is really happening, the slow, steady, incursion of christianity into all aspects of life. It reminds me of the hollow-sounding cries of discrimination that you hear from white guys who don't get into the exact school they wanted to.

My kids' schools have a STATE MANDATED minute of silence. Christian prayers are said at public events, government meetings, even football games. These is apparently something called christian cheerleading. And last week, after library day at our tax-payer funded public school, Alexis had a checked-out book in her backpack entitled "My Spiritual Alphabet," (Bea, H.; January 2000).

It starts off slow, with "A is for Angels who look over me." And "F is for Friends who love me." OK, I can live with this "spirituality." But then "J is for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior;" and "H is for Hell, where Jews, Hindus, Muslims (especially Muslims) and other heathens will spend eternity." And "I is for the Inquisition, where we seek out these non-believers and kill them in horrible ways."

I know. It's only December 2nd. I'm probably going to need a valium. Or a bunch of hos. (the laughing kind).

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