Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here Birdy Birdy Birdy

My girls and I bought a big-ass bird house to attract purple martins to our yard. Supposed to be really cool birds who summer here and winter in Brazil. They eat 2,000 bugs a day each. So we bought and assembled (I may have done the bulk of the assembly) a purple martin house. It's really an apartment complex for birds on a very high pole.

I did the ten-hour assembly, poured the concrete, and we all created little purple martin welcome signs for the individual apartments.

The bird guys at the bird shop who sold me $300 worth of purple martin housing and accessories swore that if you put it up, they will come.

The birds are supposed to come around Valentine's Day. Here we are at half past President's Day and a quarter till St. Patrick's Day, no purple martins. Not even any of the starlings or sparrows that I am supposed to watch out for and evict if they show up instead.

I'm wondering if our "Welcome Purple Martins!" signs should have been in Portuguese.

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