Thursday, February 07, 2008

Virtually Environmentalists

At my work, we have started a program where young people learn about organic farming and then donate what they grow to hunger relief efforts. I've been inspired to start my own garden in the backyard. Last year we grew tomatoes (20 pounds of vines for three tomatoes), cucumbers, basil, jalapenos, bell peppers, and a watermelon vine.

The twins help sometimes, but they generally lose interest fast. A few weeks back, I planted onions and lettuce, and Alexis helped a lot.

I cleared an extra little spot to grow carrots, bought some seeds and was all set to plant them yesterday after work. The girls showed initial interest in helping, but then decided that Webkinz was more appealing (an on-line virtual world for little kids). I set out alone to work in the field.

Well, Blossom was there. "Here's my ball. Throw my ball. Don't you see my ball? Throw my ball again. Did you see that this is my ball?"

After a grueling 15 minutes of planting, I came back in. Alexis was very excited to show me what she had been doing on Webkinz. She had purchased an additional virtual room (a virtual outdoor room) with her virtual cash. In this virtual outdoor room, she had planted virtual carrots.

So...she had forgone the experience of planting actual carrots to re-create the experience of planting carrots in a simulated subscription-pay on-line community. Granted, the virtual carrots were growing like weeds and did look tasty. I believe that when the real carrots grow we are going to have two harvests. She gets to eat the e-carrots. I'll eat the real carrots. And Blossom gets the ball.

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