Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Aging Perceptions

I used to hate 60 Minutes. Not just hate it, but really, really HATE 60 minutes. It wasn't the reporting. Or the liberal bias. Or even Andy Rooney (it was a little bit Andy Rooney). No, I hated 60 Minutes for what it represented. As a kid, it was the end of the weekend. Tick tick tick tick tick... meant come in to dinner, then homework, then bed on a Sunday night. A full week of school was upon us. It was the sound of dreams and possibilities dying. Every week.

Now, I like 60 Minutes. I'm exhausted from the weekend of entertaining 7 year-olds. I enjoy the in-depth coverage of politics, corporate malfeasance, and free trade accords. I'm delighted by their profiles on world leaders. I have come to realize I embrace and condone the liberal media bias. But I still hate Andy Rooney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me too!