Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Book Our President Has Read

I attended a lovely event this morning. Abby's class had their "Author's Tea," where they invite parents in to listen to the first graders each read a book they created during the year. And drink tea (actually it was apple juice, which I think is better, but "Author's Apple Juice" does not have the same ring). Jill attended Alexis' event last week.

Abby's book was entitled "The Princess Who Made the Queen Laugh." It was about, well, this princess. And what she did was, she made this queen laugh. And the queen laughed and laughed. The End. It was a spectacular book and Abby's presentation was great.

The other kids in the class wrote about princesses, and horses, and ghosts, and snowy days. One little boy (I'll call him "Rush"), wrote a story about how he went to the park and dug a hole. Out of the hole came a homeless man, who chased Rush. The homeless man then called all his homeless man friends and they all chased Rush home, where his dad scared them off. The End.

Another little boy (I'll call him "George") wrote a story about how he and two of his friends were astronauts, and they got in their spaceship and flew to Jupiter. When they got there, the Jupitarians (Jupiterites?) spoke an alien language that the astronauts could not understand. The astronauts shot them, got back in their spaceship, and flew home. The End. This boy really needs to stop watching the news.

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