Sunday, June 01, 2008

It's One of Those Unsolved Mysteries

G-G-Pa really wants the girls to like him. He speculates whether or not they will remember him when he's gone (2017). And he alternates between saying that they are finally getting used to him or that they will never get used to "the old bastard" (his description).

We went out to lunch with G-G-Pa last weekend, and he was in a "they'll never get used to me" mode. The girls, however, were somewhat attentive to him. They were, until he looked across the table at Alexis, fixed his face with a scowl, and snarled "Aaargh!!!! I'm going to eat you up!!!!!"

Alexis spent the rest of the lunch hiding behind me, and Abby sat in Jill's lap.

I told him that I would reflect on what it could possibly be that makes them less than effervescent to him. It certainly is a puzzler.

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