Monday, October 20, 2008

Sid Smith for A Second Term!

I voted today. Just after they opened the Shriner Hall across the street, I went and voted. Well, I let the busload of elderly people go ahead of me. What with their walkers, canes, and wheelchairs, I couldn't get around them anyway.

Cool thing about voting at the Shriner's Hall - you get to wear one of their fez (only while voting). {By the way - the plural of fez is in fact "fez."} AND you get to ride in one of their little Shriner cars after you vote (but only if you vote Republican). True story.

The bad thing about voting early is that they didn't have enough time to put all the names on the ballot yet. All of the presidential nominees were there, but I can't believe that there is only one candidate for the United States Senate (and from the Whig party!).

G-G-Pa was not on the ballot for what-should-have-been his re-election to a second term. "At 97, Who Needs...What was I saying?" He technically came in third in the primary, so I think that means he came in fourth overall. If Rep. Mike McCaul, the sad Democrat who ran against McCaul, and that crazy guy from the Democratic primary all were unable to serve, I think G-G-Pa would have been the Congressman from the 10th Congressional District of Texas!!

But alas, he was not even on the ballot this time. I did, however, decide to write him in. "Write-in" is somewhat problematic on these new e-slate electronic voting machines. So I brought a Sharpie and wrote his name on the screen when the 10th Congressional district race popped up. The cool thing is that since his name was now permanently affixed to that spot, I also wrote him in for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 4; the Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector; and I voted "Sid Smith" on Proposition 2, limiting how tax dollars can be spent on attracting business to Austin.

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