Friday, October 31, 2008

Still (Probably) Drug Free!

It's Red Ribbon week again! Yea!

My seven year-olds get to do all sorts of fun and asinine activities to keep them drug-free through the end of second grade.

In addition to "Crazy Sock Day" to show that only crazy people wear matching socks (or was it to "Sock it to Drugs!" or that "Crazy People can't match their socks due to mental illness exacerbated by addiction!"), we have some other fun days.

Wednesday the girls wore matching shirts, so they could join the effort to "Gang up on drugs!" The unfortunate, unintended consequence of "Gang Up on Drugs Day" is the explosion of youth gangs at Canyon Vista Middle School. To combat gangs in middle school, Round Rock ISD came up with the idea to start a "Crack Down on Gangs Week!", which, unfortunately, has spawned a very serious crack problem at Westwood High School. So they implemented a "Have Sex Not Drugs" week this year. Results are pending.

Since this is Halloween, there has been a "Say Boo to Drugs" day, which, I can only imagine, was a truly horrific day to be an elementary school teacher.

But the girls have been drug free all week! We did have one small scare yesterday when Alexis came home with white powder all over her shirt. Turns out it was powdered sugar from "Substitute sugary, high-fructose corn syrup infused snacks for Drugs!" day. Damn corn producers.

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