Saturday, November 01, 2008


I love trick or treating! I loved it as a kid, and I love taking the girls now. I don't necessarily want the candy (well, maybe a Twix or two), but I love the process.

Last night, we spent a couple of hours going around the neighborhood with the girls, some of their friends, and their friends' parents. We found out some interesting things about our neighbors. Yes, which ones were stingy, angry bastards, but that's not what I meant.

My neighborhood has many political signs, split 2/3 Obama and 1/3 McCain (and one crazy guy with a Ted Stevens / Jeb Bush sign - huh?). In our unofficial poll, McCain voters had much better candy than the Obama supporters. And at most of the houses with Obama signs, the people were out and there was a bowl of candy in front with a sign asking people to take only one (we actually fall into that category). The Democrats were out going door-to-door, collecting from the candy-rich Republicans to redistribute to the masses. Socialists!

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