Wednesday, December 31, 2008

First Comes Love, Then Comes Facebook

Jill has thrown herself fully and completely into Facebook. She created a profile, started finding friends, and in a mere four days has become Facebook-proficient. Yesterday, she used "friend" as a verb, as in "why don't you 'friend' him?" I can only believe this is part of her new Facebook world.

Jill is certainly not an early adopter. She embraces technology that is proven and accepted. I pride myself on being a little earlier on the tech curve, so I am determined to learn Facebook. Yet, it still scares me.

After some very determined "friending," I now have over 150 friends. I don't think I've ever had even close to that number of friends, so one has to expand their definition of 'friend'. The guy from Murchison Junior High School who sat next to me in orchestra? An acquaintance? Definitely. A fellow 'orchestra geek'? Absolutely. But a 'friend'? Well, he is now.

Facebook keeps suggesting people I might know. I have never heard of any of them. Facebook knows me less than TiVo, which still keeps recording "Sabado Gigante!" every week because it believes I might enjoy it.

Yesterday, Facebook sent me an e-mail asking me to confirm something. It seems Jill was trying to "marry" me. I accepted Facebook's proposal, and now my profile says "Russell is now married to Jill Hakes Smith" (she tossed in her maiden name so her own elementary school music classmates could find her). The first problem I have with this is that we celebrated our anniversary this past Sunday, yet Facebook just wiped away the first twelve years. Second, it didn't even give me the opportunity to register (eBay,, Craig's List - cyber registration for virtual weddings).

And finally, and most disturbingly, it was way too easy to Facebook "marry" someone. Will I be checking out Jill's home page in a week or so and find that she has "married" several people? Not that she would, of course. But I will be checking.

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