Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm All A-Twitter

Apparently, there's something called Twitter where one "microblogs" and people can follow your every move.

I'm at work now. I'm leaving soon to go home. There I'll cook dinner for the family. Probably watch some tv.

I just don't see how that's interesting. I will grant you that my life might be slightly less action-packed than others. But I am planning on making enchiladas!

I have to admit that I am also getting into this whole Facebook thing. I put some pictures up and old friends made snarky comments, like within four minutes. And I reconnected with a friend from 6th grade who used to have these great 6th-grade parties at his house when his parents were out-of-town. I won't go into detail, but they did involve a bottle. And spinning.

So far, Jill hasn't "married" anyone else. But there is someone named "Jeremy" listed as having been "special friend-ed." I'm going to have to monitor that closely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, you know that can only mean one of two things: either Jeremy rode the short bus, or, you better follow your instincts and monitor their affair, I mean "friendship"