Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Keep Your Flossing to Yourself

I am close to my cycling goal.  I'm at 2,788 miles for the year.  My goal is 3,000. Then I can stop.

Actually, I'm sorta hooked, so I might ride a few more miles.

I am enjoying riding the roads in and out of Austin.  Apart from the angry-white-guys-in-trucks, much of what I get to see is delightful, and surprising.

I have seen jack-rabbits, cotton-tails, snakes, deer, pheasants, scissor-tailed swallows, eagles (though Alexis insists they were just cool looking vultures.  Or buzzards.  If there is a difference.), llamas, buffalo, horses, miniature horses, and yesterday even a fox.  Ran right in front of me with some dead rodent in its mouth.  Oh, and dead rodents.  As well as one massive, dead wild hog.  And once a live rat - a fairly big one.

There's a lot of crap thrown on the road.  Not delightful, but at least interesting.  Heading out of town, you see the shattered remnants of fixtures, machines, and other things that have likely flown out of the back of pick-up trucks.  Again with the pick-up trucks!  I once rode past a full six-pack of Heineken, but with the bottles spread out over a couple of miles.  I still can't figure out how someone lost all six bottles, one after another, over a long distance, without any of them breaking.  Perhaps an enormously drunk person crawling along the shoulder?

Alexis and I saw a horse head on the side of the road.  Upon further inspection, it was from a stick horse - the kind where you press the plush ear and it makes horsey noises.  Likely a message from the second-grade mafia.

I get bombarded by whatever large bug is in season, from cicadas to crickets to June bugs to grasshoppers.

And the most common discarded trash that I've seen?  Flossers.  Those little plastic things that have a small strip of floss.  People who care enough about their dental hygiene to carry these things with them, but who don't really give a shit about the environment.

"I have to have clean teeth right now!  I have to get rid of this flosser RIGHT NOW!"

To be fair, though, I am 100% certain that the flossers don't come from the angry-white-guys-in-pickup-trucks.

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