In July, we applied for and were turned down to be a potential adoptive home from the Golden Retriever Rescue Society. Who knew they were going to do a criminal background check that went all the way back to college?
Apparently, the Golden Retriever people felt that we were not a good fit for one of their dogs. We have a lovely home with a big fenced yard, two five-year-olds who want to love a dog, and our pretty-boy cat has no front claws. We have a good credit rating, vote in most elections (excluding some local bond elections and primary run-offs), eat generally what is prescribed by the newest food pyramid, and are tax-paying Unitarians. What else could a Golden Retriever want?
They didn't even tell us why we had been rejected, nor did they give us helpful suggestions on how to be Golden Retriever-worthy. "Perhaps you should start smaller, with maybe a gerbil or other small rodent." Or "perhaps your plan to have the dog do a majority of the yard work is unrealistic." But no, it was, "you are not worthy of a Golden Retriever."
So, we moved on. The Australian Shepherd rescue people took and called references on us and then never called back. What the hell is in my record - dog torture? I categorically deny it. I wonder about Jill, though....
Anyway, the third time was a charm. The "Forgotten Friends" rescue people hooked us up with Blossom, who has been staying with us for about a week. She is a two-year-old Australian Shepherd / Blue Heeler mix and is living with us while we all decide if it is a love connection. She is adorable and sweet, and doesn't seem to mind being tied to a tree all day long with just a few ounces of water to drink in the hot Austin sun. Kidding. Please don't call the Rescue people. Our permanent record is spotty enough.
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