Thursday, September 13, 2007

Random Question

I have a random question. OK, I'm aware that much, if not all, of what I write is random. But this is more random than usual.

For years I have seen signs on the roadways that said "Guardrail Damage Ahead." My question is, how much more energy and effort would it take to actually fix the guardrail damage ahead than it takes to put up a series of signs and orange cones?

But Russell, you say, perhaps they are marking it for the drivers and are coming back to fix it. Fair enough. But then I have a follow-up random question. What actions do they suppose drivers are supposed to take after being made aware of the guardrail damage ahead?

"Gee, I was planning to swerve my car off the road and bounce off the bridge railing for fun. But I need to find a different place to do that since the guardrail at this particular point is not structurally sound and could cause me to plummet to my death."

Obviously, I have thought about this way too much.

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