Sunday, November 04, 2007

Abby, She Herself, Abby carved the Roast Beast

Abby has a gift. She can walk right up to the line of annoying the living crap out of you (or, most often, Alexis), and then she does something random, funny, and/or ridiculous.

We were driving to church this morning, and she was poking, squealing, whining, and picking. Alexis had enough. Jill had enough. I had enough. The girls were each holding onto a can of green beans (the church donates canned goods to a homeless shelter). As we rounded a corner, with all of us having had more than enough of Abby at the moment, she dropped her can.

Abby, "Oh no! I dropped my last can of Who-Hash!"

You can't be annoyed at a six-year-old who makes a spot-on Grinch reference.

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