Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sugar Kitty

Diabetes runs in my family, on my mother's side. My grandmother and grandfather had it. My mother has been fighting it for years. I get my blood sugar checked every year or so. But I was completely unprepared when Jill told me yesterday that she had returned from the doctor and found out that George has diabetes. He'll need insulin shots twice a day for the rest of his life.

I have a somewhat firm understanding of genetics. But I did not realize that my cat could get family ailments. Especially since he is really my step-cat, as Jill got him before we married.

We knew there was something wrong. The amount of liquids going in and out of the cat had increased ten-fold over the last two weeks. The self-clumping litter box had turned into one massive clump. I thought it was a radiator leak.

George has shown a slight improvement in his attitude since his diagnosis. He's been upgraded from "I really can't stand any of you (except Jill) but I'll allow you to live in my house" to "I'm not fond of all of you (except Jill), but since I have a chronic illness I will entertain a small amount of affection, but only at times and conditions of my choosing." The vet staff thought he was the sweetest cat ever. He was very friendly and affectionate. Totally had them fooled. He was probably thrilled to have quality Jill-time all to himself.

Jill is administering the shots, and I am in charge of making sure the cat does not sneak treats, like Kit Kats.

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