Tuesday, December 11, 2007

No Mo Mo-Mo

Microsoft thinks it's better than me.

"Looks like you're writing a letter. Can I help?"

Looks like you're a freaking animated paperclip. No, I can do without your assistance.

"Looks like you're creating a list. Would you like some help?"

Go away and die. I can write things down one at a time.

Then there's Google. Assuming I don't what I am searching for, and so haughty about spelling.

"Did you mean 'The Namibian meat festival'?

No, I wanted to google "the bernouli principle." Maybe the spelling was a little off. Bite me google.

Granted, some of it is human error. I got an e-mail today from Brandy. It was entitled "Need Your Help!" She wrote:


Heartfelt wishes to you! I need a favor while I am out-of-town. Rob and I leave for Miami on 12.15 and will return on 12.21. Peg and Cactus will be out-of-town 12.14-12.18. Would you be able to check-in on my cat, Mo-Mo, the days of 12.15-12.18?

Let me know if you are available?

Shine on,

I have no idea who this person is. I speculate that she sent me an e-mail in the course of, say, her lifetime. And perhaps her e-mail program was trying to help when it filled in my e-mail address when she was trying to reach a different Russ.

Great help, Microsoft. Now her cat is going to die.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Jill was right. You are exhibiting an unusual amount of holiday hostility