Sunday, December 16, 2007

This I Believe

Alexis needs to find a new section of the library. The public school, tax-payer supported, supposedly-covered-by-separation-of-church-and-state, library. This week, the book she brought home was "The Littlest Angel," about a kid angel who is sad because he doesn't have a good gift for baby Jesus.

Next on her book wish list, "The Berenstain Bears Get Baptized," "Horton Hears a Savior," and "The Public School Guide to Worshiping Jesus in Class."

Jill and I didn't want to read her book. But Alexis insisted. Jill did a good job of editing out the most egregious passages of "Jesus is my Lord and Savior." But it still was a pretty hard-core Christian book. So Jill led a lovely discussion at the end about people's beliefs and how different people believe in different things. Very age appropriate and engaging.

Alexis: "I believe in Santa Claus."

Well, there you go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having read your annual letter, I had to return to the blog. You're bookmarked in my favorites, but I hadn't looked 'til right before the reunion that we didn't love you enough to attend. I really enjoyed the fact that as I read the posts, I heard Benita laughing in my head. Funny how nothing changes as life does around us! Glad y'all are doing well and yes, at some point, we'll have to shock you by inviting ourselves over sometime. Maybe George and I can take our insulin together. Cheers! Chris