Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Quarter Past Utah

My girls and I have been collecting state quarters. Kaileigh and I bought a book nine years ago that had a page for each state and a schedule of when the quarters were coming out. Five a year for ten years. The book cover states "hours of fun for your family." Try a decade of fun!

Kaileigh was interested for a few years, but lost interest around the age of twelve. I kept the book updated through the middle state years - Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Tennessee. Around Texas, the twins were old enough to be interested and we've been working on it since.

The latest (45th state) is Utah. The book gives some facts about each state - the state bird, motto, flower, fried food, etc.

Apparently the state bird of Utah is the seagull. Really. Utah has no shore. Utah is at least two states away from anything that could be considered a "sea." Delving deeper, it seems that Utah's state flower is the bluebonnet, the state food is the cheesesteak, and the state family are the Kennedy's. And the state motto is "Gateway to Canada (and the Great Barrier Reef)."

One more year, and the book will be finished (unless there are any new states admitted in '08). It will be a proud accomplishment for my whole family.

So why am I worried that one of the twins (probably Abby) will liberate the $12.50 we spent ten years collecting to spend in an arcade in an afternoon?

Do they still have arcades?

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