Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Brandy's Leaving Me!

My e-mails from Brandy are going to end. She's leaving the place from which the e-mail system chooses me instead of the other Russell in her life.

Happy Day!

Hope you are well. Peggy loved her cake…MMMMMmm! I want to let you know I have decided to leave (agency) and begin a new journey. My last day at the Agency is February 1. I would love to have (website devoted to yoga) complete by this date. Can we make magic happen?


Although I've never met her, I feel grief at the loss. I will miss her X's and I will miss her O's. I didn't even know she was into yoga.

And apparently this other Russell, the INTERLOPER Russell, is not only a cat sitter but also a cake baker and a web designer. I can't believe she's still counting on this loser after he let her cat Mo-Mo die.

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