Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Golfcart of Unwanted Toys

Grandpa did the Capital 10,000 again today. For the 26th straight time. The Statesman gave him his own start time again, and "Team Sid" - a golfcart and Lai, our driver from last year.

Grandpa has been sick lately, including a stint in the hospital a few weeks back. He went back and forth on whether he was going to participate. We weren't sure until 7:40 this morning if he was going to do the 8:00 start. He did, and he made it about 1/4 mile before he boarded the golfcart. He got a rock star start and huge applause, and then made it across the Congress bridge before tiring (out of sight of the main crowd).

Randy and her friend Catherine, Chris (who helps my grandpa), Abby & I were the entourage this year. (Alexis walked it with Jill). We ended up having quite an adventure. At the one and a half mile mark, we were waved over by a policeman. He was standing with a nicely-dressed older gentleman. It seemed the gentleman needed to cross the road. Why did the old man cross the road? To get to church.

The main pack had caught up with us, so crossing the road was like trying to cross a mighty river. For the next twenty minutes, Lai played "Old Man Frogger," finally getting him across the road. Team Smith as church bus.

A half mile later, we get flagged down by a squad of EMS workers. It seems a woman had slipped and sprained her ankle (did I mention it was raining?). So, Team Smith became a very slow medical transport vehicle.

The woman's name was Stacey, and she was a great addition to Team Sid. She seemed enthralled by grandpa. When calling her husband to let him know that she was hurt, she told him, "I'm riding with Mr. Smith and I'm leaving you for him." She and grandpa chatted the rest of the way. Team Sid as internet chatroom.

At mile 4, two women flagged down church-bus, senior respite, medical transport Team Sid. They wanted us to take their picture by the mile marker. Team Sid as wedding photographer.

Throughout the race, people would run over to Grandpa and shake his hand or give him a high-five. It was as if it was good luck to touch him. Team Sid as Chinese restaurant Buddha.

And around mile 4, Lai seemed to realize something she needed to do and picked up the pace dramatically. Randy, Catherine and I had to work to keep up. I believe it was at about this point I realized Abby was ASLEEP in the golfcart (Team Sid as hotel).

By Mile 5, I truly expected an actual golfer to flag us down to take him to the back nine. Team Sid as actual golfcart.

At about 6.1 miles, we stopped the cart and got Grandpa out. We walked across the finish to more thunderous applause as the announcer told the crowd about this remarkable 97-year-old man who just walked the Capital 10,000. Team Sid as publicity / spin team (he actually walked the equivalent of about 1/2 a mile).

Of course, at 97, getting up, starting and finishing a race is a truly remarkable feat. Watching the people responding to him and him responding to the crowds, it didn't matter how far he actually walked. We all hope to be doing the Cap10 at 97. Even if we're taking a well deserved ride for some of the way.

And Alexis, at seven, walked the whole way. Abby did walk about two miles (before and after her nap).


Anonymous said...

I look very strange, bent over in that picture. Surely, some cropping could help...

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