Friday, March 28, 2008

Monkey Sea, Monkey Stay

The girls got Sea Monkeys as presents recently. Over Easter weekend, Jill read the instructions and set up the small aquariums. I'm thinking the whole "resurrected from the dead" connection was just a coincidence.

The first thing I realized, which I did not know, is that they are not actually monkeys. In small print on page 1 of the instructions, it's right there - "contains no actual monkeys." Apparently, monkeys would not live for very long submerged in water.

The next thing I see as I am reading the instructions is the notation that people over 35 might want to use a magnifying glass in order to be able to see the Sea Monkeys. Is this like that ringtone only teens can hear? The non-monkey monkeys are so small that only the young can see them?

Non-primate and too small to see? What a perfect pet! But at least the box tells me that they are guaranteed to live for AT LEAST two years. Abby and Alexis may be interested for two WEEKS. Maybe.

So...I have to buy Sea Monkey food indefinitely for non-monkey aquatic plankton that may or may not be there (if they ever existed), clean and "aerate" two Sea Monkey Habitats every nine days though 2011, and rely on two seven year-olds to report on the status and/or existence of our new pets (seven year-olds who have 236 imaginary friends who they race on their stick horses up and down the sidewalk). What a perfect pet! I'll put them next to my 22 year-old Chia Pet.

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