Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tiny Derby Winners

I thought some explanation was needed for the preceding pictures. First and foremost, Alexis is NOT drunk in that first picture. Sure, she had a little Easter cheer, but she was able to enjoy the Easter egg hunt without assistance.

And on the topic of the Easter egg hunt, as you can see, it was less an "Easter Egg Hunt" and more of an "Easter Egg Scrum." Hunting skills were not a high priority. Speed, a large basket, and a certain seven-year-old ruthlessness were more important. The little boy in the red shirt? This picture was taken just before Alexis knocked his ass over and Abby took his eggs.

And finally, a little background on "Bullet" and "Lightning" (Lightning is the white one). Their handlers swear that they were retired Miniature Derby winners. If you haven't watched the Miniature Derby, you can catch it on ESPN12. They run a track of 200 feet and are ridden by 28" jockeys.

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