Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jill Fought the Law...

And she beat its ass! Last year, I spent three weeks preparing my multi-media presentation and practicing my interpretive dance for the "Annual Tax Protest." I not only lost, the guy made me pay him $38 for bothering him.

I had charts and graphs, a long-term regression analysis (with a chi-squared of only .05), satellite photos, and letters of reference. Jill took three pictures the night before (of the carpet, the grill on our porch, and the stove) as her preparation. Her tax protest woman started strong, but then kept lowering the appraised value till it was the same as last year. She must have been totally convinced of Jill's righteousness by looking at the stained carpet picture.

Jill asked if this means she has to do this every year. Hmm. I do my masters' thesis on "Home Values in the Barrington Woods Neighborhood and Their Relationship to the Market Economy" and manage to get our property taxes doubled. She has a polaroid of a dog pee stain and gets our value reduced to $176. Yes, I think that means she has to do this every year.

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