Sunday, June 15, 2008

Puppy Weekend

We had a full-blown puppy weekend. Kaileigh brought over a Catahoula puppy that she wanted us to take so she could visit it. Working at PetSmart has not really curtailed her penchant for bringing home strays. Now she just brings home cool-breed strays. Her mom said 'no' on keeping her, and the jury's still out on whether that's final.

And on Saturday, a little puppy named Harley ran into our house. He was 1/2 mile from home, and must have gone under his fence and run far away. I hated to have to put take him to get euthanized, especially since his owner had put his name, address and phone number on his collar. But the law is the law.

Blossom got to interact with the Catahoula puppy. Her name was Wendy. We weren't sure what to expect. She sniffed Wendy for a second, and then went back to her ball. Jill noted that she didn't seem concerned, nor very interested. We really thought Blossom would take a position, one way or another. We fed Blossom while Wendy was still visiting. Wendy ran over to the bowl. Blossom backed up and took a defensive position...over her ball. I'm not clear if Blossom would survive natural selection.

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