Monday, June 23, 2008

Making the Tooth Fairy Work For It

Abby lost a tooth last week, her first. Not just out of her mouth. She misplaced it entirely. She was at Girl Scout camp and it fell out. The nurse put it in this cute little plastic tooth container she wore around her neck. Abby swears she didn't open it to show her friends, but when she got home it was empty.

We assured her the Tooth Fairy didn't need the actual, physical tooth, but that it might be important to let her know the whole story. You know, in case she arrived, found no tooth where she expected one to be, and flew into a homicidal fairy rage.

So Abby wrote her a note.

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I lost my tooth. You can find it in Zilker Park near the Girl Scout cabin.
Abby Smith

We folded it tightly and stuck it in the plastic tooth container and put it under her pillow. I pulled the gun out of storage, you know, just in case.

I needn't have worried. In the morning, Alexis ran into our room and announced "she left money under Abby's pillow! She IS real!" in a tone that told us that, unbeknownst to us, her faith about the Tooth Fairy had been wavering. Abby then came in with three gold colored dollar coins and a note in curly handwriting:

Dear Abby,
Thanks for the tooth. I'll fly to Zilker Park and get it.
The Tooth Fairy

I thought everything was fine. But when they left our bedroom to go get dressed, I noticed that there was a note under my pillow as well.

Hey Shit-Head!
Stiff me on a tooth again and it's your ass!
The Tooth Fairy

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