Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm Shvitzing!!

My car is a bit of a drama queen. Yes, it's been hot this summer in Austin. Very hot. Austin summer hot. But my car, with its little dashboard thermometer, tries to tell me it's even way hotter than that.

Austin hovers around 99 to 100 degrees on hot July days. My car told me on Thursday that it was 110. The temperature at which my tires would melt. It regularly gives me 107 degree readings. I switched it to metric and it tells me it's 62 degrees celsius. Which sounds cooler, but is like, 144 degrees fahrenheit. When I switch it to kelvin, it tells me it's 355 degrees! (you're going to have to look that one up yourself).

Jill wasn't surprised. She said that the car exaggerates, like I do.

Me: "So you think cars and their drivers grow to be more alike? Like people and their dogs? Or spouses?"

Jill: "Yes."

Me: "Which makes you a falling apart, dented, leaking, broken down old van whose doors do not work, windows do not open, and knobs are loose?"

Strangely enough, she was not amused.

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