Monday, July 28, 2008

Stop, that googles!

Jill and I were talking about "googling yourself." She lamented that it was difficult to get any valid data from that since our name is Smith.

I responded: "Fine! Go back to your maiden name so you can successfully find arcane references of yourself in meeting minutes from 2006! See if I care."

Actually, I told her that the trick is to not just put in "Jill Smith," but add in another identifyer, like "Jill Smith and workplace (with the actual workplace name)" or "Jill Smith and 'the world's greatest husband'" or "Jill Smith and Travis County Knitting and Cross-Stitch Association."

I tried it with "Jill Smith and workplace," and actually found two references for her.

I was most intrigued, though, by the third reference, entitled "Jill Smith - The Sims Wiki, a Sims database anyone can edit." The entry goes on:

Jill Smith is a pre-existing, playable sim that comes with the The Sims 2 game. She is a child and lives with her family - parents and older brother - in Strangetown.

Jill is the daughter of Pollination Technician 9 (apparently a former abductor and impregnater of humans, now retired) and Jenny Smith (née Curious). She has an older brother, Johnny Smith.

She has two older, half-sisters, the twins Lola Singles and Chloe Singles from her father's pollinating days; the girls were born to Glarn Curious after an alien abduction. Lola and Chloe are playable sims that live in the Singles Household.

Despite being half alien, Jill has no distinguishing features of this race. She has the pale skin, blonde hair, and green eyes of her mother, a human.

Several observations here. First, what the F**K???

Second, who knew Jill was half-alien?

Third, I know about her sister Kelly and brother Cary, but Lola, Chloe and Johnny? She has certainly been keeping things from me. Although I did know she was from Strangetown (Houston).

And finally, what the living F**K?????

1 comment:

Cary said...

Now that you called me out on your blog, I can finally google myself and get a hit! Thanks Smiths!
