Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Honk if you agree!

I passed a SUV this morning that sported the following bumper sticker:

Support the Troops...Especially the Snipers

I've been trying to figure this out all day. I like my bumper stickers simple and easy to categorize. You are either sympatico, holding similar views, or you are an asshole, supporting things no rational person could ever support. Or you love your kid or dog.

I mean, really! That's the whole idea of the bumper sticker. Not a lot of room or time for nuance.

Vote Republican, or Democrat, or Independent, or some other party...It's Critical to a Democracy for its Citizens to Participate

...would not make a great bumper sticker.

So what was this person trying to say? Was it a proud parent of an army sniper truly supporting the troops? Was it a crazy right-wing gun lover message about shooting foreigners? Was it an ironic, sardonic indictment of the military/industrial complex? Or perhaps the driver's favorite band is "The Troops" whose latest album featured "The Snipers."

By the way - they are amazing in concert! I saw them last year on a triple bill with "His Boy Elroy" and "Poodle Dog Lounge."

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