Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Friendly Freakin' Skies

I'm really working on not letting things annoy me. It's really not fun to be annoyed. I have let go of my road rage, my stupid clerk rage, my GW Bush rage (still working on that one).

So as I am working on my inner peace, the world finds ways to test me.

We flew back yesterday from DC on American Airlines. The flight was slow to board. We had to wait for the Gold and Platinum members. The Copper members. The Aluminum members. The Molybdenum members.

We finally get called in group 12 and work our way down the gangplank. We get all the way to the door when a flight attendant stops us. See, she has a tray of waters and orange juices that she needs to serve to the first class passengers. God forbid, these ten first class-holes should have to wait fifteen minutes to get a cup of water.

So we wait while she serves them and returns to the galley. Groups 13 through 17 are piling up behind us.

She finishes up and we scoot past before she comes back with the amuse bouche. I breathe, I remain calm. I'm zen.

Ten minutes later, as group 23 is boarding, the flight attendant gets on the intercom and reminds people that they need to move in quickly and find their seats. She tells us we are five minutes past our departure time and everyone needs to find their seats. Yes, she was blaming us.

If I slap her upside her head, does that make me an angry person?

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