Friday, August 08, 2008


A question you don't often hear, especially in the middle of an office:
"What is up with Brandon's Anus?"

Obviously, this requires explaining. Our tech guy was working on our network at work. We have a wireless system, and whenever you click on the menu to choose which network to join, you get a plethora of options. In addition to our network, you've got your "LinkSys", your "LinkSys", your "2WIRE163," your "Baer Engineering", your "LinkSys", and "Brandon's Anus."

Every time we connect to wireless, we get to see some idiot's idea of a great joke. Every freaking day. Which led to Whitney's question. Which explains the question, but does not quite capture how someone yelling "What's up with Brandon's Anus?" can truly disrupt an entire office.

And led us into a discussion of wi-fi network naming and public decency. Brandon and his anus may not cross the line, but are there limits? Could you name your network "F**k you mother-f**ker!!! DIE!!!" Seems like it shouldn't be allowed.

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