Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Someone Check the Levees

Two bad omens about an approaching hurricane. First, it's name is Ike. Hurricane Ike. The hurricane that doesn't mess around. Ike will slap your ass down. This is not Hurricane Courtney. But Katrina was not a scary name, you say. Katrina is the mail-order Russian bride that you think you finally got out of your life, but after she leaves, you realize she took all your money, ruined your credit, and gave you herpes. Katrina is sneaky mean.

The second, and more immediately frightening omen is that the University of Texas re-scheduled their football game from this Saturday afternoon. This is Texas. And football. Should the messiah decide to return on a Saturday in September, a game would not be cancelled. Admittedly, a visit by Jesus might warrant some coverage on the JumboTron. Texans love the Lord almost as much as football.

University officials have the most sophisticated, accurate weather equipment available. Why? a) it's a massive research institution, and b) they spend about a billion dollars on football, and weather affects football. Hell, they might even have the new Doppler 4000 system.

So, if the University of Texas is postponing a football game, we are in serious weather trouble. Ike is coming, and he is pissed.

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