Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Time for Super Doppler 5000

Well, Ike came and went. The coast got slammed, but Austin did not get a drizzle. Not even a fine mist. Two, maybe three menacing clouds and twenty minutes of a stiff breeze.

Over the weekend, I volunteered at 2-1-1 to answer calls and help people who were actually hit by the hurricane. Lots of people without power, looking for shelters, trying to contact FEMA, and one woman who wanted the number to Wal-Mart on I-395 in Lubbock.

"Honey, that's 4-1-1. You're just over half way there." But I googled it anyway for her.

And then I talked to a young man in Dallas who had evacuated from the coast a few days before. He worked for a hotel chain, which shall remain nameless (but rhymes with Farriott). He had evacuated to Dallas and was staying at one of their properties. They had allowed him a seriously discounted rate since he was an evacuee. Good hotel chain! But now they were kicking him out and he needed to find a shelter. Bad hotel chain!

Why? Well, you see, there was a Cowboys game coming up (Monday night, and he called Saturday). And of course they needed the room. To accommodate their football fans.

Help till it hurts!

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