Friday, July 17, 2009

Take That, you Twit!

I went to Supercuts yesterday (I'm between stylists - Raul went back to Buenos Aires), and when I was at the counter, I saw a pile of little cards that said "Follow us on Twitter!"

And I think to myself "finally, a good use of the internet!"

But to follow them, I actually had to sign up, something I had been avoiding, because, quite frankly, I think Twitter is stupid. But in the "I have no idea what it is or does, so I will look down on it and make fun of people who do it because I am a ludite" way. I had no idea that I could follow Supercuts! Maybe this is a trend that will endure.

So I sign up. And now I can follow Supercuts. And hopefully, I will be able to find Ace Hardware, Hobby Lobby, and Phil's Thimble-o-Rama, because I really want to follow them too.

Supercuts Austin has 1,360 followers (I'm #1,361!). Some of the actual twats:

"Sweeping up the hair. So much hair."
"Another bald idiot came in looking to trim his comb-over. As if it helps!"
"Lady asked me to make her look like Angelina Jolie. I recommended a gym, plastic surgeon, and therapist."
"So damn much hair."

My productivity might wane. This stuff rocks!

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