Friday, March 25, 2016

That Will Go on Your Permanent Record

To my friends and family who are starting to possibly maybe kinda sorta think about voting for Donald Trump.  Don't.  I say this as a friend.  Or as a relative.  And it's not for my sake, it's for yours.

See, I will never know if you do.  Unless you start posting your Trump love all over Facebook.  But then, I would have un-friended you long ago.  Or un-related you.

No - this is a plea to those who don't particularly like Donald Trump, but who really hate Hillary.  Who have a visceral reaction to just hearing someone say "Hillary."  Who can't even watch documentaries about Sir Edmund Hillary without getting enraged.

I am not going to try to convince you not to hate the "H" (though yoga and meditation would help).

I am here with a recommendation, for your sake.

Don't vote.  Do not go on the record as voting for the narcissistic, fascist, racist opportunist.  There is no amount of self-talk that you can give yourself that will justify voting for him.  You will always know that your reasons are full of shit.

"But Russell," you say.  "I REALLY hate she-who-shall-not-be-named."

"Fair enough," I reply.  "Don't vote for her.  Don't vote for President."

"This is just some clever ploy to help Democrats win the White House."

"Interesting theory.  However: a) I am not that clever; 2) I don't believe influencing my tens of readers will make any difference; and iii) there is no chance that my candidate will win here in Texas, even if I could convince thousands of people to stay home."

"I'm still not convinced.  Did I mention I REALLY DESPISE her?"

Let me put it this way.  Say it's primary season for the 2020 election.  Imagine that the Democrats nominate....say....Michael Moore.  Or Sean Penn.  Same logic applies.  I would not vote for President that year.  Even against the Cruz / Carson ticket (though it might look diverse - they both come from the batshit crazy wing of the party).  And I REALLY dislike both of them (hate is a strong word).  I would not vote for candidate Penn because it would make me feel dirty.  And stupid.

[Note: this doesn't apply to a John Stewart / Al Franken ticket - I'd totally vote for them.]

My response to "anybody is better than H" is "No.  Not President Trump."

And you know this.

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