Saturday, May 12, 2007

Abby Sucks at the Quiet Game

Alexis is the total Quiet Game Queen. She wins every time. She has patience and persistence in her quietness. Of course, Abby is physically incapable of staying quiet for any length of time. Tonight, Alexis was making sounds of a screetch owl in the back of the car. Really not a viable long-term noise to listen to in a car ride. Abby whined at her to stop.

Trying to alleviate the screetch owl sound, Jill suggested we play the Quiet Game. We thought Abby'd be with us.
"Let's play the quiet game!"
"I don't want to play!!!"
"Abby, why don't we ALL play the Quiet Game?"
"I DON'T want to PLAY!
"Ready? Go!"
Silence (the owl).
"I'm not playing."

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