Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wishful Saving

Alexis will be the Smith daughter to go to when you need money, She likes to collect money, and she is a saver. Jill made a deal with the girls that any change that is left in my pocket becomes theirs if it goes through the washer and dryer (the money is truly laundered). I have caught her trying to take this to the next level, acquiring coins on my dresser and in my car. I also suspect that the little sneak has been taking the illicit change she has found and putting them in the pockets of my pants that are to-be-washed. I just cannot believe that I left $7.94 in pennies, nickels, dimes, a Sacajawea dollar, state quarters from Wyoming, Florida, Nebraska, and Guam, and three Kennedy half-dollars in my Dockers.

Jill gave her a dime to throw in a wishing pond at a restaurant a few weeks back. I watched as she walked over and waved her hand over the pond (with her fist firmly closed).

"Alexis, did you throw the coin in?"
"Why is your hand closed?"
"I don't know."
"Can I see what's in your hand?"
"Did you make a wish?"
"What did you wish for?"
"A dime."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gosh, times really are a changin'. Used to be you could throw a penny in for your best wish, but now those wishing wells are charging a dime?! I can't believe the cost of a wish is 10x higher than when I was a kid.

That Alexis is so darn cute. As her daddy, I think it is your duty to teach her the value of a dime (nothing) and let her know that her wishes are worth so much more :)