Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fattening My Cheney File

I wandered around the convention hall for the National Defense Industrial Association during a break from my real conference this morning. There were stern looking people at the front of the convention hall, but there was a side entrance that opened up into the same hallway my conference opened up into. So I don't actually know for sure if I broke any national security rules by perusing the state of the art in warfighter technology. Don't ask, don't tell. Doesn't the government subscribe to that?

I had good intentions. I was looking for military SWAG for my girls. Rubber squeeze-missiles. Flashlights with those red dot "kill sights." You know, fun things for the kids!

I did pick up some "collateral" materials as well. Materials that scare the living crap out of me. Starting with the July copy of National Defense magazine. And the 40 page, glossy "Science and Technology for a Safer Nation" from the Department of Homeland Security. I also got a lovely flier for the Hummer with a turret. Its name is "Gunslinger," and it has multi-spectral hostile fire detection; hostile activity surveillance; lethal engagement; situational awareness; and a single integrated graphical user interface.

I'm horrified, but fascinated. I may have to return for the 2008 Homeland Security Symposium and Exhibition in September. Or the "Chemical / Biological Ensemble Component Forum" (also in September). Or the "24th International Symposium on Ballistics" (also in September). Or the "Disruptive Technologies Conference" (also in September). Or the "Joint Undersea Warfare: Technology Fall Conference" (also in September). Or the "Combat Vehicles Conference," "Women in Defense National Fall Conference," "13th Annual Expeditionary Warfare Conference," or the "Precision Strike Technology Symposium," all in October.

Gee, it's as if there is a bunch of money spent on national defense.

A side note to anyone planning to attend the "Women In Defense National Fall Conference" in Arlington, Virginia on October 15th. Save your money. The personals at the back of National Defense magazine are fairly comprehensive and have pictures of male and female warfighters and their WOC (weapons of choice). I'm just saying, if you are coming for the babes and can't afford the airfare, National Defense could be your answer.

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