Saturday, November 22, 2008

This Internet Thing Scares Me

I am truly appreciative of someone named Shari who sent a link to her blog that lists every conceivable free thing you can get on your birthday. I have already began to construct a full day of activities, including at least seven meals, ice cream, a couple of car washes (one early, one late), mini golf, rock climbing, a colonoscopy, an 8X10 picture of a kid (doesn't really matter which one), a guest stint as a circus clown, dog walking, and an appointment as the deputy assistant undersecretary in the Obama administration.

As I said, I am grateful for the info. My question is, how did Shari find me? In like, ten minutes? I knew a Shari in High School but I'm pretty sure this isn't her. Did "free crap" Shari have a google alert letting her know when "free crap on your birthday" shows up on the internet? (By the way, welcome back Shari!).

I think I understand technology. To some measure. But I'm completely speechless that I could write "free crap on your birthday," the interweb carries this out through the tubes, someone who tracks free stuff gets notified, she posts something on my blog, I click the link, and "Voila!" I now know that PetSmart will give me ten free crickets on my birthday. Thank you Al Gore!

In the spirit of testing how powerful I am in creating searchable content, I invite you to do a google search on the following:

"Intrepid plaid blowfish"
"Knarglish accountants"
and "Diane Sawyer look-alike porn" (I'm trying to corner the google on this one)

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