Thursday, December 18, 2008

Credit Where Credit is Due

Another year, another Christmas where an imaginary fat man gets the credit for the cool gifts we get the girls.

In 2006, Santa brought the girls bikes. Mom and dad gave them clothes.

In 2007, Santa brought a pony. Mom and dad gave them broccoli.

This year, Santa may be bringing a trampoline (Abby and Alexis - if you are reading this...well, I'm impressed that you opened the web browser and found my blog at seven years old. Merry Christmas girls!).

I think they will be getting a small pile of pebbles from us.

The thing is (spoiler alert), we buy all of the presents!!!! Even the Santa ones. Is it selfish to ask for a tiny little bit of credit??

As Jill will inevitably say: "Yes. Yes it is."

Ho ho ho.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A trampoline!!! How fun! Wonder if I can still do a flip?